Have you ever found yourself in the ultimate advertising showdown: Linkedin ads vs Facebook ads? It’s a decision that’s got marketers worldwide on the edge of their seats.

The once-dominant Google is now facing fierce competition from social media platforms. And when it comes to the battle for the second spot, Facebook has always been the go-to contender. But there’s a new player in advertising, which is LinkedIn.

Linkedin has a major advantage over the competition. Their user base is absolutely unmatched and incomparable to anything else in the industry. So, it’s only logical for them to double down on what they do best.

As a business owner, you’re probably wondering which social platform you should choose and why? Today, we’re going to settle the score. So you can find which ad platform is better for you: is it Linkedin ads or Facebook ads?

Let’s find out more about this digital landscape!

What Are LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn ads are a powerful advertising platform offered by LinkedIn. It is the world’s largest professional networking platform. They allow businesses and marketers to create and display targeted advertisements to LinkedIn’s vast network of professionals.

It’s like a club where professionals and business leaders from all walks of life gather to share;

  • Ideas
  • Network
  • Make connections

Imagine tapping into that exclusive club and showcasing your brand to this elite group.

That’s precisely what LinkedIn ads offer you!

It’s a golden opportunity to enter the world of professionals and make your mark. LinkedIn ads are like a VIP pass to the world of professionals. So if you’re running a B2B company looking for leads, a talent scout on the hunt for top-notch recruits, LinkedIn ads provide you with a direct line to success.

Types Of LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn offers a variety of Ads formats that can help you capture the attention of millions of professionals. You can drive 10x results for your business. Let’s look into some of the types of LinkedIn ads that can take your marketing efforts to the next level.

1. Content Ads

These ads look just like regular LinkedIn posts. They show up on the feeds of your target market. So, while people are scrolling through their feeds, your sponsored content ad pops up and grabs their attention.

It’s a fantastic way to raise brand awareness or generate valuable leads. You’ll be reaching professionals while they’re spending time on LinkedIn.

2. LinkedIn InMail

Tired of character limits and impersonal emails? Not anymore.

Because LinkedIn InMail is a direct messaging platform that lets you send personalized messages to your audience. With InMail, you can;

  • Send focused messages
  • Persuasive single call-to-action,
  • Analyze the effectiveness of your messaging.

It’s a powerful interactive ad format for creating a direct and meaningful connection with your target audience.

3. Text Ads

If you want to create personalized campaigns quickly and easily, then LinkedIn text ads are suitable for you.

However, they may not be as flashy as other ad types, but they do the job well. You can reach a professional audience without breaking the bank. It’s a straightforward way to get your message out there and promote your business effectively.

4. Dynamic Ad

Dynamic ads automatically tailor themselves to each individual based on their LinkedIn profile information. Imagine having an ad with someone;

  • Photo
  • Company name
  • Job title

It feels personalized. With these dynamic ads, you can boost brand recognition, drive traffic, and convert prospects.

And the best part?

You can measure and optimize your results in real-time.

What Are Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads are a form of online advertising that allows businesses and marketers to promote their products, services, or content on the Facebook platform.

But what sets Facebook apart from the rest is its unique vibe. It’s not just an ads platform; it’s a hub where people gather to have a good time. A platform where friends share stories about their epic vacations, show off their shiny new cars, or geek out over the latest video game craze.

If you’re running a local boutique trying to reach fashion enthusiasts or a tech startup targeting gadget lovers, Facebook ads can help you generate leads, increasing revenue and brand awareness.

Types Of Facebook Ads

With Facebook ads, you can captivate your audience and make your brand shine like never before. There are six most common types of Facebook ads that you should know.

1. Photo Link Ads

Eye-catching visuals with call-to-action buttons to drive users to learn more or make a purchase. It’s like having a virtual storefront that entices potential customers to explore your offer.

2. Video Ads

They allow users to immerse themselves in your brand story by opening the video in a dedicated player alongside other video feeds. If it’s

  • Showcasing your latest product
  • Sharing a heartfelt testimonial

Video ads have the power to captivate people.

3. Instant Experiences

In a world where attention spans are shorter than ever, you must grab your audience’s attention quickly. With instant experiences;

  • Immersive ads
  • Interactive ads

That creates a seamless connection between your content and your audience.

4. Story Ads

Stories have become a daily habit for many Facebook users. Story ads allow you to tap into this engagement goldmine. You can leverage the creative features on Instagram stories and extend them to Facebook.

For instance, a food delivery service can create mouthwatering story ads that showcase the following;

  • Delicious meals
  • Swipe-up links to order
  • Interactive elements like polls

Anything that can engage users and build brand awareness.

5. Carousel Ads

Carousel ads let you showcase multiple images or videos in a single ad. It allows you to tell a visual story or highlight a wider range of products.

6. Messenger Ads

It takes customer interactions to the next level. Messenger ads make it easy for users to initiate a conversation with your business through Facebook Messenger.

For example, a skincare brand can run messenger ads that invite users to chat and receive personalized skincare recommendations based on their skin type and concerns.

Difference B/W LinkedIn & Facebook Ads

Both advertising platforms are different, and to make your campaign successful, you must know these differences.

 LinkedIn AdsFacebook Ads
Target AudienceProfessionals and B2B-focused audienceDiverse user base with a wide range of interests and demographics
NetworkProfessional networking platformSocial networking platform
PurposeBusiness networking, lead generation, professional brandingBrand awareness, customer engagement, product promotion
Ad PerformanceHigher click-through rates for niche B2B audiencesBroader reach and potential for viral sharing
AnalyticsIn-depth professional insights and analyticsComprehensive performance metrics and audience insights
Ad Auction SystemBased on the bid price, targeting, and relevanceBased on the bid price, targeting, ad quality, and user engagement
Mobile-friendlyMobile-friendly, but with a focus on professional usageMobile-first approach with a larger user base on mobile devices

Which Platform Is Best For You?

You might get confused about these ad platforms. However, with this guide, you will be able to find the platform which is best for your business. Let’s dive into it.

Find Your Target Audience

When it comes to reaching the right audience, LinkedIn ads and Facebook ads take different routes. Facebook is like that popular social hangout where you catch up with friends, share cat videos, and reminisce about that incredible vacation. It’s all about personal connections and fun.

On the other hand, LinkedIn is the go-to spot for professionals looking to network, get career advice, and collaborate with like-minded individuals. It’s the place where serious business happens. However, now the platform is changing a little. But the intent is the same.

So which one is best fit for your business, Facebook or LinkedIn ads?

If you’re an agency looking to boost your brand presence among industry leaders or offer;

  • B2B products
  • B2B services

LinkedIn is like your VIP ticket to success. It’s where you can connect with decision-makers, showcase your expertise, and establish your authority in the business world.

But what about Facebook ads? When should you use them?

If you’re an e-commerce brand selling trendy merchandise or irresistible products to consumers, Facebook should be your go-to choice. It’s where you can tap into the vast sea of active users who love discovering and engaging with brands. It’s a bustling marketplace, surrounded by enthusiastic shoppers eager to purchase high-quality products.

In short, LinkedIn ads are good for reaching B2B markets because of their professional nature and focused audience. Meanwhile, Facebook ads thrive in the B2C area. They help e-commerce brands captivate consumer audiences and drive sales.

So, choose the platform that aligns with your target audience and objectives.

Key Differences For Targeting

Different techniques are used for both ad platforms. Facebook introduces us to the concept of “Lookalike Audiences.” It’s a powerful tool that identifies users with;

  • Similar interests
  • Visitor demographics
  • Behaviors to your existing customer base.

By leveraging your current email database, lead lists, or engaged content consumers, Facebook helps you expand your reach to potential customers who closely resemble your ideal audience.

But in LinkedIn, techniques differ to some extent. It introduces a feature called “Audience Expansion” to broaden your targeting options. However, based on tests, Facebook’s Lookalike Audiences tend to outperform LinkedIn’s Audience Expansion.

But, it’s worth noting that Facebook has removed third-party data for marketers due to privacy concerns. This has limited some targeting possibilities. Nonetheless, the platform still offers a lot of data-driven options.

Clicks On Minimum Budget

When it comes to cost per click, Facebook has a significant advantage over LinkedIn. The median CPC for Facebook Ads is $0.51. This makes it one of the most cost-effective options among major social networks. As for LinkedIn Ads, they are pricier, with a median CPC of $5.61.

While LinkedIn Ads might seem pricey at first glance, it’s important to understand the value they bring to the table. The higher cost per click on LinkedIn often translates to;

  • Higher-quality leads
  • Better return on investment

To put it in perspective, imagine you’re running a campaign on Facebook and LinkedIn simultaneously. On Facebook, you may get a lot of clicks at a lower cost. But not all of them may convert into meaningful leads.

But on LinkedIn, you might receive fewer clicks. However, they have a higher chance of turning those clicks into high-quality leads that bring substantial business value.

Both platforms offer unique advantages, and it’s essential to weigh the cost per click alongside other factors such as;

  • Audience relevance
  • Conversion potential
  • Overall campaign performance

Segmented Retargeting Is Game-Changer

Did you know that LinkedIn and Facebook ads have a lesser-known difference that can greatly impact the quality of leads you generate from your campaigns? It’s about how you retarget your ads.

But what is retargeting?

So, retargeting is all about reaching out to people who have already interacted with your brand, like visiting your website. On Facebook, retargeting is pretty straightforward. But here’s the catch: you can’t really dig deeper and filter out specific types of visitors.

However, LinkedIn takes a different approach. Once it captures your website or page visitors, it goes the extra mile. It allows you to segment this list based on key filters like

  • Seniority level
  • Industry
  • Geographical location
  • Company size

You’ll have a highly qualified audience for your target persona. People who not only visit your website but also align with your desired criteria.


Analytics play a crucial role in measuring the success of your social media advertising campaigns. Let’s take a closer look at the engaging analytics features provided by LinkedIn.

  • LinkedIn Updates: Get a comprehensive overview of your recent updates, including audience reach, impressions, clicks, interactions, and follower growth. With detailed data on each update, you can track engagement and optimize your content strategy accordingly.
  • Followers: Understand your follower base with LinkedIn’s follower analytics. Get a snapshot of your total followers, organic growth, and acquired followers. Dive deeper into follower demographics, including seniority, industry, job function, and company size.
  • Visitors: Measure the traffic to your LinkedIn page with visitor analytics. Keep track of page views, career page clicks, and unique visitors to understand the level of interest your page generates.

While LinkedIn offers a lot of analytics features, Facebook also provides a robust analytics platform to measure the performance of your campaigns. When it comes to measuring the performance of your Facebook advertising campaigns, Facebook’s Page Insights has almost every feature you need.

  • Overview: Discover your page’s growth and engagement. Track total and new page likes, and measure the reach of your posts for a comprehensive snapshot of performance.
  • Likes: Explore trends, monitor net likes, and find the locations where people are clicking that magical “like” button.
  • Visits: Explore page and tab views, and trace the paths of visitors from external referrers.
  • Posts: Find the perfect timing for engagement, evaluate post success, and stay inspired with top posts from pages you watch.
  • Video: Ignite visual storytelling with views and engagement metrics for your videos.
  • People: Get to know your fans’ demographics and uncover the reach and engagement of your posts.

Facebook or LinkedIn: Harnessing Powerhouse That Suits Your Business Goals

LinkedIn and Facebook may seem like similar networks, but their strengths set them apart. LinkedIn operates as a professional application focusing on networking and recruitment. Meanwhile, Facebook thrives as a dynamic social sharing platform. It connects people and ideas from various domains. Some of the advantages of Facebook are;

  1. Build trust with customers and newcomers.
  2. Share captivating blogs, videos, and posts.
  3. Showcase your brand identity and values
  4. Run engaging contests, spark conversations, and encourage interaction

LinkedIn, the Recruiting Powerhouse:

  1. Establish a strong employer brand.
  2. Leverage B2B platform for advertising opportunities.
  3. Expand your professional network and connect with colleagues.

So, if you want to unleash your creative side and engage with a wide audience on Facebook or build your employer brand and connect with professionals on LinkedIn, these platforms are highly recommended. Choose ones that align with your objectives.

Drawbacks Of Using LinkedIn Ads & Facebook Ads

Understanding these weaknesses can help you make an informed choice and align your goals with the platform that best suits your needs. Some LinkedIn:

  1. While LinkedIn is a great platform for professional networking and career-related content, it may not be the ideal space for personal updates or casual conversations.
  2. Due to its professional nature, interactions on LinkedIn tend to be more formal and business-oriented, potentially leading to less casual engagement and more transactional connections.

Some of the disadvantages of Facebook are:

  1. Facebook has faced criticism in the past regarding user privacy and data handling practices, which can be a concern for individuals who prioritize their online privacy.
  2. The open nature of Facebook has made it susceptible to the spread of fake news and misinformation, which can undermine the credibility of information shared on the platform.
  3. With its diverse content offerings and engaging features like games and videos, Facebook can be a source of distractions and may lead to reduced productivity or excessive time spent on the platform.
  4. Facebook’s algorithmic feed shows users content that aligns with their interests and beliefs, creating an echo chamber effect that limits exposure to diverse perspectives and opinions.

Maximizing ROI: Selecting the Right Platform in the LinkedIn vs. Facebook Battle

Regarding the battle of LinkedIn vs. Facebook, it’s not about who wins but rather about finding the perfect fit for your advertising goals. Both platforms offer a treasure trove of opportunities to boost your business.

At EchoFish, we know that the key lies in understanding what you truly want from your ads and aligning them with the right audience. If you want to maximize ROI, connect with us today. Call us right now!

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I'm a very hard-working, motivated, and committed individual with a positive attitude towards life and a passion for doing new things that help people.I love challenges in my career because they make you more robust than before when you overcome them.

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