There are millions of websites on Google. Everyone wants their website to stand out and attract a larger audience. One of the best ways to do it is by mastering on-page SEO. It brings organic traffic to your website, which increases the chances of them becoming your potential customers.

On-page SEO is not too difficult to achieve. Most people think they have completely aced the on-page SEO of their website but miss many things. That’s why they don’t get desired results and live forever with the idea that on-page SEO doesn’t work.

If you are confused about how to ensure that your on-page SEO strategy is perfect and how to use it to bring more visitors to your site. Then read it till the end because I’m going to shares a complete on-page SEO checklist that is relevant for almost every website. I’ve added the most critical, actionable factors that shouldn’t be missed in an on-page SEO strategy.

Let’s dive in and see how well your on-page SEO strategy is.

What is On-page SEO?

On-page SEO is also known as (on-site SEO). It is the practice of optimizing web pages to improve it’s ranking in SERPs. Different types of practices are used in an on-page SEO strategy. The effectiveness may vary from industry to industry and target audience. With on-page SEO, google bots can get a clear idea about your website content. 

So, in a nutshell, if google understands your content easily, there is a high chance they will rank it higher in search engines. This ultimately leads to increased organic traffic, leads, conversions and revenue. With a good on-page SEO, users will also like to interact with your website.

Complete On-page SEO Checklist

You must cover these points to see significant success in your on-page SEO strategy. You should consider these points as a foundation of a successful SEO strategy. Following are a few basic points of SEO that you should always follow.

Primary Keyword in Title Tag 

Adding the primary keyword in the h1 tag is really important. It is immensely helpful in gaining higher rankings. For example, if your primary keyword is “best SEO tools,” you can optimize the title to “best SEO tools that can save time.” This is considered one of the most effective SEO factors.

But you might be thinking about how a single keyword change can make a huge difference. The answer is simple: when you optimize your title tag, viewers can easily identify what the blog, page or article is about.

Search engines can easily identify the subject of the page within just seconds. If you want to improve your title tag, you can use many free or paid tools. Yoast is also suitable for finding different title tags. It is an important factor that shouldn’t be missed in your on-page strategy. 

Meta Description 

Your meta description tag can change your SEO game. Optimize it and be clear about what your website or page is about. Don’t forget to add the primary keyword, as it can boost the ranking of your page.

However, avoid stuffing your meta description with keywords only because Google is smart enough to detect keyword stuffing. And your website might rank for a few days or months. But it will eventually lose the ranking because of poor keyword usage. 

When your keyword appears in your text much sooner, search engine crawlers can easily identify which keyword you are targeting. Often new SEO writers don’t consider this point. So they make a huge mistake of adding the target keyword at either end of the blog post or in the middle.

So next time you publish a new blog, check whether you have used the primary keyword in the first 50 to 150 words. Repeat this strategy for every page of your website.

Keywords In URL 

According to a Google roundtable session, primary keywords are so important. Especially when they are logically used in URLs, some SEO experts consider it a small factor contributing to ranking.

I recommend adding this simple yet effective practice to your website’s pages. Remember, when doing on-page SEO, you should not miss out on anything. No matter how big or small it looks, the results can be incredible if you execute them perfectly.

Length of URL 

You might already know that shorter URLs perform better than longer URLs. The major reason is that search engines favor these URLs. They are helpful for search engine crawlers as it;

  • Clear idea about your page 
  • Minimizes the time search engine crawlers need to go through your site map 
  • Your users will also remember your page because of short and easy-to-remember URLs

In simple words, always design a suitable permalink structure for your web pages. The benefits will surprise you because Google and even users like it.

Clear Content Structure 

Remember, when writing content, think about how you will add value to your reader. Your content focus should be on user experience. Your blog, guides, pages, or article content should be formatted in a way that is easy to navigate. So when a reader looks at your blog they can easily find the answer to their queries. An easy to achieve this is by adding these factors to your content;

  • Easy to understand headings and subheadings
  • Adding relevant images to enhance the visual experience
  • Converting a large piece of information into small chunks and dividing them into paragraphs
  • Using text boxes, numbers and bullet points 
  • Layout and page structure must support an obstruction-free and smooth reading experience

Speed of Your Website 

Speed is a big factor in the ranking of your website. In an update, Google announced that the speed of a website is an official factor for ranking in search engines. So if you are taking the speed of your site lightly, then it’s time to change that.

So whether you have an e-commerce, business or website, make sure it’s as fast as the speed of light. Because it can make or break your search rankings.

Order of Keywords 

The order keyword is the way the user searches for the content. Many users might search for the same keyword, but the intent can differ. Google wants to provide the best information to the user, so keyword order is used. Remember, many updates are done on Google to ensure users get the best experience. Some updates are removed, but some strategies are evergreen; keyword order is one of them.

To make it simple, let me make this crystal clear with this example;

A group of friends is looking for a high-end watch to purchase. These four people want the same thing: “high-end watches for women.” But when they are searching, they can change, and they type;

  • List of high-end watches 
  • Women’s top-quality watches 
  • High-end women’s watch brand 
  • Most popular women’s high-end watches 

From the above explanation, we know that they want the same thing. But the way they are searching is different. The keyword order is an important point that increases ranking, especially in competitive marketplaces.

To remove this problem, you should mix primary keywords with good keyword destiny. Understand your audience and the keywords they are using and solve their problems. Use search operators to get further clarification on how the keyword is used.

Internal Linking 

With internal linking, google can easily understand the link between different pages of your website. With extensive interlinking, google can identify the framework of your content. It’s even best for increasing the user experience. Suppose a visitor reads your blog about “Off-Page SEO.” Down the line, you can add a link to another blog, such as;

If you are worried about high bounce rates, interlinking will solve that problem. It also improves your Google Analytics metrics which ultimately increases your Google ranking. However, remember that in your on-page SEO strategy you should only add links from high-quality, relevant, authoritative pages, i.e., the homepage. 

External Links 

These aren’t directly responsible for increasing your site ranking. As linking with trusted and authoritative websites won’t boost your on-page SEO. However, it’s important to note that you can add links to important information on your website. It will make users feel more in control.

Also, it makes you trustworthy because you aren’t making things up but showing the proof and backing it with evidence. If you implement external linking in your website, then use it to add citations and links while referring to stats, numbers or quotations. But in my experience, I would say outbound links are not necessary.

Optimize Your Images 

It’s something that most people don’t know and they ignore it. You also need to optimize images for SEO. It may sound like a novel concept to some people, but it’s worth much importance. Follow this strategy to optimize your images for on-page SEO ranking. 

  • Give your image a detailed name and add keywords to it. Separate the words using hyphens, and avoid using space. 
  • Optimize the size of your file. This way, you will ensure it is uploaded in its highest quality. If you upload a low-quality picture and unoptimized it, it will take a lot of time to load. There are many paid and free tools available through which you can optimize your images. 
  • Add alt text in your images. With alt, text search engines can understand what the picture is about and how you are using it. 

As a website owner, you have to consider these points. Your on-page SEO has a huge impact on your rankings. You can make most of the changes in less than 60 seconds; however, some might take time. But if you wish to put your brand in front of your target audience, you must implement these strategies smartly.

That’s not all. These are the basic and very important on page SEO factors that you should always check. Because without these factors, Google crawlers may not be able to understand your page content. That means they will not index it and you will not get rankings.

Important On-page SEO Factors  

If you don’t have enough time to focus on on-page SEO. But you still want to do a quick fix. Then five things should be your main focus. 

  1. Make your website mobile friendly
  2. Ensure that your website speed is fast 
  3. Add primary keywords in your content, including title, tags and overall content 
  4. Add internal links to authority pages or blogs
  5. Make your content readable

Final Thoughts 

There are many factors in the on-page SEO checklist. However, if you implement the ones mentioned in this blog, you will get one step closer to your success. If you want exceptional results and don’t have time to invest in SEO. Then experts are just a call away. Our team of SEO experts is always ready to help businesses grow. Get a quote today.


Is On-page SEO important for every website?

Yes, On-page SEO is an important part of search engine optimization. With its help, search engines can easily understand your audience and show your website to your target audience. It also saves you a lot of time, so only qualified leads will contact you and save you from the hassle of chasing after leads. If you are building a website, you must ensure that your audience likes it. Don’t bury your website in Google pages where no one comes and your reach is zero. Invest in SEO and reach your audience.

How can I get started with on-page SEO for my website?

If you are just getting started, it’s best to keep things as simple as possible so you don’t get overwhelmed. Perform a simple on-page SEO audit for your website, or hire an SEO consultant for this important task. After doing it, you will get clarity about the issues of your website and on-page SEO. You can work towards solving them step by step.

Is on-page SEO and off-page SEO the same?

No, they are entirely different parts of SEO with ultimately the same goal of increasing website ranking. However, methods, strategies and tactics used on-page and off-page vary incredibly.

  • On-page SEO focuses primarily on different parts of your website that you can control and change.
  • However, off-page SEO majorly focuses on building your site authority which is done either via link building, backlinks, social media or any other strategies.


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I'm a very hard-working, motivated, and committed individual with a positive attitude towards life and a passion for doing new things that help people.I love challenges in my career because they make you more robust than before when you overcome them.

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